2024 Holiday Schedule for the Town of Hawkesbury
Please note that from December 24 till January 3, 2025, some services will have modified hours during the holiday season.
Please note that from December 24 till January 3, 2025, some services will have modified hours during the holiday season.
93 % of participants would recommend the FoodCycler. Get yours today !
How to get your 2025 waste collection calendar
The Council of the Town of Hawkesbury passed By-law N° 72-2024 and N° 73-2024to amend Zoning By-Law N° 20-2018, at a meeting held on December 9, 2024, under Section 17 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, c. P.13, as amended
Hawkesbury, le 12 décembre 2024 – La Ville de Hawkesbury est fière d’annoncer le lancement tant attendu de son nouveau site web, maintenant disponible à tous.
The Ontario Energy Commission will hold a public hearing, and there are three ways to participate: oral hearings, electronic hearings, and written hearings. Those interested have until December 20th to express their intention to participate in this hearing.