Meet your Town Council

Municipal councillors are also mandated to sit on certain boards. It should be noted that the mayor sits by default on each board. Some of these are: the Ontario Provincial Police Detachment Board; the Hawkesbury Public Library Board; the Hawkesbury Hydro Board; the Business Improvement Area (BIA).

Code of Conduct and Integrity Commissioner

Code of Conduct for Council and local boards

Integrity Commissioner

Who is the Integrity Commissioner?

How do I file a complaint?

What to include in my complaint?

What happens after a complaint?

A message from the Mayor

Dear citizens,
With a proud history behind us and a forward-looking perspective, the Town of Hawkesbury stands as a community rich in assets that holds appeal for families, businesses, and visitors alike. Hawkesbury is more than just a town; it’s a place where being together is celebrated, and we actively strive for a better communal life. Our town thrives on values such as sharing, mutual aid, and community involvement.
In an ever-evolving landscape, it is crucial for Hawkesbury to evolve in tandem with the expectations of its citizens. To achieve this, we place emphasis on effective communication, citizen engagement, and a collaborative, constructive approach to governance.
Let’s keep working together to make Hawkesbury a place that embodies our common values and dreams. Your active involvement is more than welcome for the ongoing progress and success of our cherished community.

Thanks for your continuous support.

Robert A. Lefebvre - Mayor of Hawkesbury