Some useful guidelines that help us better share our common spaces.
1- You are a snow removal contractor in Hawkesbury?
Did you know that as a snow removal contractor, you must obtain a business licence with the Town? This is stipulated in sections 2.1 and 79 of By-law N° 30-2004, which regulates licensing, regulating and governing any businesses in Hawkesbury.
Please communicate with the by-law department of the Town to get information on how to obtain a business licence, either by calling (613) 632-0106, or by email at .
2- Adapt the way you drive to winter conditions
Winter is a challenge for motorists as well as for Hawkesbury staff and contractors who are responsible for snow removal and icebreaking operations on our roads.
We are doing everything in our power to promote road safety. However, weather conditions are unpredictable, vehicles are severely tested and drivers must be alert at all times. Take the time to clear your vehicle and adapt your speed to the conditions of the moment.
3- Fire hydrants
Please do not push snow on fire hydrants. To help us, you may wish to clean them yourself, avoiding any possible damages to your lawn when the heavy equipment cleans them up.
4- Snow
It is forbidden to blow or push snow on sidewalks, in ditches and in the streets, and also to haul it on traffic circles and medians. This rule applies both to residents and contractors.
Hauling snow in unauthorized sites is forbidden.
5- Snow on private properties
Please respect your neighbors when you clean or blow your snow. You must keep your snow on your own property and not cause damages to neighboring properties during the winter season or in the spring when the snow melts.
6- Winter parking
Between November 15 and April 15, parking on all streets within the Town is forbidden between midnight and 7:00 a.m. regardless of the weather.
7- Temporary shelters
Temporary shelters are authorized between October 15 and April 15. Please respect the 1.5 meters set back from the sidewalk or curb because you could be asked to move it back.
8- Garbage/recycling
Keep your bags, garbage cans and recycling bins on your property at 1 meter from the curb or the sidewalk to help the task of the municipal employees responsible for snow removal. Do not take them out too early, in fact the by-law forbids earlier than 5:00 p.m. the day before the collection.
By-law Enforcement Department (613) 632-0106.