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Hazardous Waste

See the list of hazardous waste accepted at this event.

The next annual event will take place October 4, 2025 from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Hawkesbury Sewage Plant at 815 Main St E, Hawkesbury. 

Between these annual collection events, certain types of hazardous waste, such as batteries and paint, can be returned for recycling at select retail locations participating in the provincial hazardous waste program. A list of these retail locations, as well as other special waste disposal options are available at the bottom of the page.

Electronic waste and old printers

Electronic waste

There are two electronic waste collections per year, June 3 and October 7 in 2025. Drop-off of electronic waste is also offered for free to Hawkebsury residents year-round at Recycle Action loacted at 1301 Spence ave. Recycle-Action is a drop-off point for all electronics, batteries, ink cartridges, cardboard, white styrofoam packaging only and metal. Please call to confirm their hours of operation at 613 632-8508.

See below for other drop-off locations for electronic waste.

Special waste

Some types of waste don’t easily fit into any given waste stream. When unsure of how to dispose of these odd types of waste, please consult our table of Special Waste Disposal Options.

This table will help you properly dispose of these items, divert waste appropriately & help make our Town more sustainable!

Picture of a pile of car tires with trees in the background.

Other Special Waste Disposal Options


Paint Recycling – Product Care :
Accepted products & pick-up service
Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map

Light bulbs

Light bulb Recycling – Product Care :
Accepted products & pick-up service
Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map


Batteries – Call 2 Recycle  :
Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map


RPRA – Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority 
Recycling Drop-Off Locations

Electronic waste

Ryse Solutions :
Recycling Drop-Off Locations

Other Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

Other HHW Recycling – Product Care :
Accepted products & pick-up service
Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map

More Questions?

Visit our FAQ page for answers to common waste questions!

For additional assistance, e-mail:

An old, small television set sits on the grass near a blurred, sunlit background of trees and a bridge. The TV is off, and its screen is blank, creating a nostalgic mood in the outdoor setting. Light bulbs