What does the planning department do?
The Town's Urban Planning Department will assist you by answering your questions about the properties you wish to build on, to ensure that the chosen area is suitable for the desired use. The department will also inform you of all the procedures you need to follow to realize your project.
In particular, the Urban Planning Department ensures that all property uses and activities comply with the Zoning By-law. When there are situations that violate this By-law, or when there are nuisances in a particular area, the department will notify the concerned property(s) owner(s).
The Urban Planning Department works in collaboration with the Construction Department to approve the site plan accompanying the building permit application. The objective, as mentioned above, is to confirm that the proposed project complies with the Zoning By-Law's provisions.
Consult the Urban Planning Department:
- To obtain a certificate of property compliance (fees apply);
- To find out whether the use or the construction project complies with zoning regulations;
- For land divisions or severances, contact the United Counties of Prescott Russell (UCPR);
- For a Zoning By-law variance request;
- For a Zoning and/or Official Plan amendment request.
Various Planning Aspects
Site Plan Control
Site Plan Control is a site-specific, specialized form of land use control. “Development”, as defined under the Town of Hawkesbury's Site Plan Control By-law, is subject to a site plan control approval process.
The purpose of this process is to apply specific conditions to certain types of development which complement and refine the existing zoning. These "quality control conditions" may include, but are not limited to, matters such as: road widening, vehicle and pedestrian traffic flows, safety, landscaping, building plans, drainage and private and municipal services. Where applicable, the development cannot proceed without a site plan agreement being registered against the land.
Why a Site Plan Agreement ?
A Site Plan Control approval is required for certain types of development to address various planning matters. This is generally required for commercial and industrial development, residential construction of more than three units, certain changes of land use, or for a revision to an existing site plan. Profesionnal designs are required. Site Plan approval is delegated to Municpal staff.
Main Steps
- Pre-consultation with the Urban Planning Department, the applicant and, if necessary, the Construction Department and professionals;
- Submission of a complete application with applicable fees;
- Circulation to departments and agencies;
- A draft agreement is prepared and circulated to applicant for review;
- Security deposits are submitted;
- Agreement is executed and registered on titles;
- Site work is completed, security deposits are released.
Applicant Roles and Responsibilities
Each person and agency has defined roles and responsibilities. An application will move through the process quickly if the applicant:
- Meets with staff and other interested parties, such as the UCPR, before submitting the application;
- Formulates a proposal that respects established policies and standards;
- Submits a complete application;
- Provides complete and accurate information throughout the process;
- Develops the objectives of the application, including any impact on the target area;
- Ensures that the application meets the Town's "quality control" development objectives;
Applications are evaluated according to the policies set out in the Official Plan and further detailed in the Site Plan Control By-law. Certain conditions must be considered prior to approval.
Please contact the Urban Planning Department at 613 632-0106 or infoplanning@hawkesbury.ca before submitting an application. The following documents must be submitted with the application:
- A complete application and applicable fees;
- The deed to the property;
- All required plans.
Official Plan and Zoning
The Official Plan and Zoning By-law are used to guide community development. The Town is the approving authority for: site plans; minor variances to the Zoning By-law; and Zoning By-law Amendments. The Town also provides comments to the UCPR on lot division applications and subdivision plans, since the UCPR is the approving authority for these. Official Plan amendment applications are filed with the Town. If an amendment is approved, this modification to the Official Plan must be approved by the approving authority, the UCPR.
Land use planning applications are filed with the Urban Planning Department. Preliminary Plan of Subdivision applications and consents must meet the requirements as per Section 51 (24) of the Planning Act. Condominium plans must meet the requirements of the Condominium Act.
For information regarding the approval process, or to apply for a zoning modification and/or Official Plan amendment, please contact Urban Planning Department at 613 632-0106 or by e-mail at infoplanning@hawkesbury.ca.
Consult the following documents for more information: Town of Hawkesbury Official Plan; Zoning By-law No. 20-2018; Official Zoning Map; Protected Zoning Map
Minor Variance
A minor variance is a small variation from the requirements of the Zoning By-law. Approval for a minor variance is a permission that allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even if the property does not comply precisely to the Zoning By-law. Under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act, a minor variance must meet the following four criteria:
- Is the application minor?
- Is the application desirable for the appropriate development of the lands in question?
- Does the application comply with the general intent of the Zoning By-law?
- Does the application comply with the general intent of the Official Plan?
It is important that, to consider any minor variance, the application must meet all four of the above criteria. This must be confirmed by applicant in a cover letter indicating how the proposal adheres to these criteria.
All requests must be submitted to the Committee of Adjustment, which is ratified by the Municipal Council. The Committee of Adjustment is autonomous and independent, under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Planning Act. The Committee's mandate is to review any application for a minor variance where the requirements of the Zoning By-law cannot be met under Section 45 of the Planning Act.
For information on the approval process, please contact the Urban Planning Department at 613-632-0106 or by e-mail at infoplanning@hawkesbury.ca.
Consult the application form for a minor variance.
Land Severance and Part Lot Control
A land severance is for the creation of a new lot, the enlargement of an existing lot, for easement purposes, to give access with a right-of-way, or to correct property titles. The proposed use of the land must conform to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
Please contact the Urban Planning Department before applying.
For more information, or to submit an application, visit the United Counties of Prescott and Russell website.
Submitting an application
Part Lot Control applies to properties registered within a subdivision plan such as paired or linked units. It allows to split up properties into several distinct entities for property rights transfer purposes.
Find more information about land severance and Part Lot Control, including the application form for Part Lot Control, on the UCPR website - Development Application.
Community Improvement Plan
The Town of Hawkesbury's Community Improvement Plan (CIP) was initiated by Town Council and supported by a CIP Advisory Committee that included representatives from Council, Town staff, UCPR, the Hawkesbury Industrial Investment Association, the Hawkesbury Business Improvement Association, the Hawkesbury Chamber of Commerce, as well as local residents and business owners.
The Advisory Committee members demonstrated a passion for community development and graciously volunteered their time to contribute to this plan for their community. This plan offers opportunities for community revitalization and economic prosperity for all residents, now and in the future.
View the current Community Improvement Plan.
Consult the information flyer.
Download and fill the Financial Incentives Application.
Consult the Agreement that will need to be concluded with the Town if your project is accepted.
The municipal subdivision process is the procedure by which a landowner or developer divides a parcel of land into several distinct lots, often for the purpose of sale, development or construction. This process is governed by legislation, municipal by-laws and urban planning standards to ensure that development conforms to urban planning objectives and community needs.
For the application form and information on the approval process, please contact the Urban Planning Department at 613 632-0106 or by e-mail at infoplanning@hawkesbury.ca.
Design Guidelines for Municipal Infrastructure
The Official Plan gives the current and future portrait of the water, wastewater and stormwater servicing within the Town’s urban boundary, including existing water services extended to the Township of Champlain, L’Orignal and Vankleek Hill.
Consult the Design Guidelines for Municipal Infrastructure.
Planning Fees and Submission
Consult the municipal By-law that prescribes the urban planning fees on the Municipal By-law page, in the fees section.