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Snow removal in Hawkesbury

Snow clearance priorities are set by municipalities and provincial authorities to ensure safety and mobility on roads in winter. Roads and areas are classified into different priority categories according to their importance for transportation, traffic volume, and use by emergency services. However, our Town adheres to a code that is much more rigorous to ensure the safety of residents. The streets in our area are designated as priority levels 3 through 6. 

Clearing snow is no picnic!

There are over 54 square kilometers of sidewalks that need to be plowed every snowstorm. Additionally, the sidewalks must also be salted. Approximately three full-time employees take care of the sidewalks during a storm.

Please bear with us and help us guarantee a quality job by following these guidelines:

  • Remove all objects that could obstruct the work of municipal employees.
  • Never pour water on the sidewalk.
  • Don't push snow from your driveway onto the sidewalk, especially if it's wet or icy.
  • Notify the Public Works department if a sidewalk has not been cleared of snow within 24 hours of a storm.

Partial load period

The partial load period is a preventive measure to protect the integrity of roads when they are most vulnerable to damage from heavy loads. This period occurs during the spring thaw, when the ground becomes soft and unstable. This is when roads are most at risk of damage. 

The part-load season usually lasts several weeks, mainly during the spring thaw, but the exact duration may vary according to local weather conditions and municipal policies.

During this season, trucks can only carry a reduced load compared to their usual maximum capacity. This reduces pressure on the roads.