March 19, 2025 •   Public notice

Notice of public hearing - Minor Variance Committee

Notice of Public Hearing - Minor Variance Committee

Subject : Submission N°  MV25-01
Devcore Group, c/o Céleste Cordonnier
180-188 Higginson Street
Lot 9, Plan M-16, and Block 2, Plan 46M-85
Hawkesbury, Ontario


The Minor Variance Committee for the Town of Hawkesbury will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 600 Higginson Street, Hawkesbury, at 6:00 p.m. on March 31, 2025 to consider the above-mentioned application made under Section 45 of the Planning Act.

Anyone wishing to attend the meeting must reserve their place by confirming their attendance at the following email address: You are invited to submit your comments in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the meeting at the following email address: or by a letter sent at 600 Higginson Street, Hawkesbury, Ontario, K6A 1H1.

Summary of the Application: 

The Owner requires the Authority of the Committee for a Minor Variance from the Zoning By-law to permit a reduced interior side yard setback of 2 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum interior side yard setback of 3 metres, and a reduced minimum lot frontage of 14.45 metres, whereas 30 metres is required in the By-law for planned unit townhouses. Further, a reduction to the setback of a garbage enclosure from a property line to 5.5 metres is requested, whereas 7.5 metres is required in the By-law. These variances are to allow for the construction of planned unit townhouses on site. The application is specific to the property located at 180-188 Higginson Street, described as Lot 9 on Registered Plan M-16 and Block 2 of Plan 46M-85, in the Town of Hawkesbury, County of Prescott.                              

If you wish to receive a copy of the decision of the Committee, you must submit a written request to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Minor Variance Committee at the following email   address:

Additional information is available by requesting the same at the following email address: