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Call for Applications for the Accessibility Committee

The Town of Hawkesbury is seeking committed community members to serve on its Accessibility Committee, in accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards of the 2005 Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

  • Do you want to help eliminate barriers and promote equitable access for all?
  • Do you have 10 to 20 hours per year to volunteer?
  • Do you want to collaborate to make a real difference?

We are looking for:

  • Residents of the Hawkesbury aged 18 and over.
  • Individuals with disabilities, as defined by the Accessibility Act.
  • Candidates available to attend approximately four meetings per year.

Your role on the committee:

  • Make recommendations to improve accessibility to municipal facilities and services.
  • Particpate in the revision process of municipal policies and procedures.
  • Participate in evaluating and tracking the objectives of the multi-year accessibility plan.
  • Contribute to the annual accessibility report.
  • Advise the Municipal Council on barrier removal and propose concrete solutions.
  • Be consulted on new projects to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.
  • Raise public awareness of the importance of accessibility.

How to apply?

  • Send a letter of intent describing your skills and experience related to accessibility to
  • Submit your application online using the form below.

Have questions? Contact us at 613-632-0106.

Be part of the change and help build a more inclusive town!

Please note that the Accessibility Coordinator will contact the chosen people for the Committee.

Submit now to be part of the Accessibility Committee

Building a more inclusive Town!

Alternative formats

To request an alternative format or communication support, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator. Upon request, we will provide communication support or an accessible format that best meets your needs.

Here are some examples of accessible formats and communication supports:

  • Accessible electronic formats such as HTML, Microsoft Word, and Adobe PDF files;
  • Large print documents;
  • Reading written information aloud.

While every effort is made, it is understood that creating accessible formats for certain documents, such as maps, may be technologically unfeasible.

We continue to do our best to review the website and remove barriers that prevent people with disabilities from accessing or interacting with the information available on our website. If we become aware of content that does not comply with WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards, we will make reasonable and good faith efforts to bring the content into compliance.

Website Accessibility

The Town of Hawkesbury will ensure that its website and content comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA, of the World Wide Web Consortium at a minimum, except where compliance is not feasible.

If you use assistive technology and the format of any content on this website prevents you from accessing the information, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, and we will do our best to provide you with an accessible format.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accessibility of third-party documents or websites.

Accessibility Feedback

Do you have a question, comment, or concern about accessibility?

In accordance with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Policy, a complaint or concern regarding the accessibility of goods and services received can be submitted by:

  • Contacting the Accessibility Coordinator:
    • By email
    • By phone at 613-632-0106
    • By mail addressed to the Accessibility Coordinator, Town of Hawkesbury, Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1H1
    • Calling the department head responsible for providing the goods or services in question.
    • Filling out the feedback form on your experience.