Leaf and yard waste collection services
Thank you for following these guidelines for the leaf and yard waste collections :
- Accepted yard waste includes leaves, branches and plant residue. See below for full list of accepted materials.
- NO food waste (however pumpkins are accepted!)
- NO lumber, whole trees or stumps.
- Branches MUST be bundled.
- Branch bundles must be less than 30 cm (12”) in diameter and 1 m (39.3”) in length.
- Branches must be less than 15 cm (6”) in diameter.
- Yard waste must be neatly set out curbside:
- Loose yard waste must be contained in compostable paper bags or a lidded container with handles. NO plastic bags!
- Branches and branch bundles must be placed on the ground, perpendicular to the street, with the largest end towards the curb.
- No plastic bags (whether biodegradable or not) will be collected.
Between collections, the Town strongly recommends that residents divert organic waste by green practices such as home composting, grasscycling and leafcycling.
Containers for the yard waste collections
What container can be used for leaf and yard waste?
- Any lidded container with handles, with the exception of the Town's grey designated garbage bin
- Paper bags
- Metal or plastic waste bins
- Reusable container, such as storage container
What containers CANNOT be used for leaf and yard waste?
- Plastic bags
- Town's grey designated garbage bin
- Containers without handles
- The recipient (bag, container or bin) should not weigh more than 25 kg (55 lbs)
Leaf and yard waste collection dates in 2025
Set out curbside before 6 a.m. on these days.
Dates, all Fridays :
- May 23
- June 6
- June 20
- July 4
- July 18
- August 1
- August 15
- August 29
- September 12
- September 26
- October 10
- October 24
- November 7
- November 21
Organic waste is a crucial waste stream to target as we aim to increase waste diversion from the landfill! It is therefore an important aspect of the Town’s ongoing improvements to its waste management system.
Accepted materials
“Green Residue” includes compostable materials from plant remains, from green space maintenance, and from pruning of hedges.
This includes grass, dead leaves, plants and other plant residues (coniferous needles, hedge clippings, weeds, etc.), bark, shavings, sawdust, residues from the garden, branches tied in bundles, houseplants including potting soil and twigs.
This excludes food residue, recyclable materials, plastics, clothing, animal litter and excrement from domestic animals or humans, pieces of lumber, household hazardous waste, whole tree trunks or stumps, rocks, earth, pebbles, and dead animals.
Learn more about the Town of Hawkesbury's FoodCycler™ pilot project
More Questions?
Visit our FAQ page for answers to common waste questions!
For additional assistance, e-mail: tp-pw@hawkesbury.ca