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    Please note that the response time varies by department. Allow a minimum of 48 hours during regular business hours, Monday to Friday. If your issue requires immediate attention, please contact the Municipal Emergency Line at 613-632-1105. In case of a real emergency, please contact 9-1-1 directly. For any complaints about By-law issues fill the following form.

    Town's Directory

    If you wish to contact one of the Town's departments, please refer to the directory below.

    Municipal Emergencies

    This number is used only for municipal emergencies after the hours of operation.  For true emergencies, please contact 9-1-1

    Public Works

    Road infrastructures, road sewer maintenance, snow removal, garbage and special collections, etc.

    Clerk's Office

    Oaths, mariage licence and ceremony, gaming licence, public access to inforrmation, Town Council, accessibility.